Possessive Adjectives and Clothing Items

I am teaching possessive pronouns and clothing items. After being exposed to the vocabulary and the pronouns MY, YOUR, HIS and HER and after practicing for some time, I proposed the following task:


Students first drew a slip with a piece of clothing each. They drew and colored their piece of clothing and in the end, we all sat on the floor.

Task 1: Each student talked about their drawing: “My dress is red”, “My boots are green”, “My socks are blue”, My shorts are blue”, My hat is pink”, My T-shirt is gray”, My shoes are green and brown”

Task 2: Then, we practiced questions and answers. I asked “What color are Julia´s shoes?” and they answered “HER shoes are green.”

Task 3: Finally, each one pointed at all the drawings and said: “Her shoes are green, his T-shirt is gray, her dress is red, his sneakers are yellow, her pants are red, his boots are green, her hat is pink , his socks are blue and my shorts are blue.”